Coronavirus & Comprehensive Care

Coronavirus can be especially dangerous for older adults, but health experts have special guidelines to stay safe.

However, it is a good idea to rethink your care plans in light of all that’s going on in the world right now. More than 1 million people live in nursing homes, and more than 800,000 people call residential care communities home, according to the CDC.

As coronavirus continues to prove difficult to contain, some have wondered whether they should remove their older relatives and loved ones from these communities out of fear of their loved one getting COVID-19. Rehousing a loved one is a very serious decision that requires careful and strategic planning based on each person’s care needs. Many are rehousing their loved ones home anyways and feel more comfortable with a home quarantine where the family can have more control of who comes in to visit their loved one.

The concern of bringing a loved one home also involves the family’s ability to provide proper care. They are at a facility for a reason.

Comprehensive Care is continuing to train and implement safety procedures and infectious disease prevention based on the CDC guidelines and under the direct supervision of Dr. Greg Phelps, medical director for the parent company, Alleo Health. Increased efforts for appropriate levels of staffing and training have been implemented to handle the extra burden of the effects of COVID-19.

If you feel that your loved one is vulnerable in a facility and you would like to begin the process of bringing him/her home with care, please contact Comprehensive Care for more information.



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